Group classes are a fun and challenging way to get in shape and stay fit in a group setting. Our classes will challenge you from head to toes and help improve your endurance, strength, and mobility.
$30 to drop in, $200 for 10 classes ($20 per class), $120 per month for 2x per week, or $175 per month for unlimited classes *
* unless otherwise stated
Weird Strong
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
7am - 8am with Marcel
If you want to be flexible, strong, playful, and injury free this is the class for you. BUT, we don’t do a lot of regular things you find in regular classes… you’d be regular strong if we did.
This class is all about time under tension. It’s about doing your very best in every movement you do. In this class you will learn how to be strong in all the places we miss or neglect in our daily lives. You will learn how to control yourself from the inside out. This class requires HIGH INTENTION and internal intensity… we will be there every step of the way guiding you to find that intensity but you gotta do your part as well.
Monday is mostly upper body stuff, Wednesday is mostly lower body stuff, Friday is mostly core and peripheral things.
Tuesdays, Thursdays
6pm - 7pm with Marcel or Matt
This class is exactly what you need to break the monotony of a routine. Be prepared to work with resistance bands and/or weights, as well as stuff in your environment to challenge your body from head to toe.
We focus on a balanced mix of strength and stamina so you can perform at your full potential. No two classes will be the same so if you like variety, you’ll love this class.
We are a supportive community focused on helping each person move well and do their best.
All fitness levels are welcome.
Zombie Apocalypse Survival Training
10am - 11am with Marcel
This class is geared towards developing all forms of fitness in any situation.
We use body weight and a mix of unconventional objects as well as our environment to create interesting and unique training scenarios. Classes are never quite the same so if you like variety then you’ll love this class. We explore conditioning and combat elements as well as grit training as part of each workout. Surviving the zombie apocalypse alone would be boring so we also include team based activities.
All fitness levels are welcome.
Jungle Gym
Monday and Wednesday
6pm - 7pm with Alison
In the jungle, you never know what you're going to encounter so why should the gym be any different?
Jungle Gym is a class that is always changing. One day could be strength training and the next day could be an entire bodyweight workout. This is how we should all be training, never falling into a "routine".
Expect the unexpected when you come to Jungle Gym!
All fitness levels are welcome.
Gravity Blast
7am - 8am with Gwendolynne
Cardio, core, and stability are the basis of this program.
You will do plyometric, stability, and isometric movements to improve your balance, muscle reaction, and strengthen your center of gravity. In this class, you will develop your reaction and awareness of how you move through your surroundings.
All fitness levels are welcome.
Primal Power
7am - 8am with Gwendolynne
This class is a full body workout focused on strength and movement.
Primal movements focus on building and consciously pushing your body to build the base power in your bones, joints, and muscles to keep you active and improve your movement patterns throughout your life.
All fitness levels are welcome.